We hold a community hosted Garage Sale on the first Saturday in May every year. The event is not hosted at the clubhouse, but at homes of participating community members. If you are interested in signing up, please contact the site manager by email or phone. Registration is usually reserved for the month of April, and ends the week before the event as the newspaper ad is finalized by then. A sign will be posted day of advertising the event on the street, with a detailed listing of participants on the website.
The hours are 7AM to 7PM, 7 days a week.
In order to facilitate a more rigorous maintenance program, lap swimming now starts when the pool opens at 7 AM. Previously members had been allowed to enter at 6, but this resulted in less than ideal pool conditions.
Please contact the Club Maintenance Manager at 808-395-1191 or at [email protected] to schedule a meeting with you and provide you with an entry FOB. A verification of residency will be required.
One electronic entrance key is allowed per household. The first issued is free, a replacement issued for a lost or stolen FOB costs $10.
Yes, a propane BBQ is kept on site for use by community members. A reservation is NOT required for its use; though we do generally ask to be given a heads-up so we can make sure its been recently cleaned. You can call or email us to do so. We do provide a BBQ, and the a cylinder of propane gas which is kept in the kitchen of the clubhouse. You must return the gas to this area once you are finished using the BBQ. We do not supply any accessories for the grill, so please make sure you bring cooking utensils as well as a spare lighter just in case the wind in the valley prevents the built-in ignitor from lighting the grill.
The Bay club is private and only community members of Mariner's Cove who are current on their dues may rent the facilities.
This is prohibited. The resident must sign the Use of Facility Agreement and must be present during the duration of the party.
Per the fire code, 121 persons. We have chairs and 6 Ft picnic tables for approximately 85 people.
Effective 10/23/12, parties are available daily except on Sundays in the main building.
Time slots are 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 4-9 p.m. Pool hours are 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. unless changed by the approval of the Board of Directors.
Pool parties are restricted to no more than 10 persons. Notify Club House Manager in advance of pool party date.
Caution: You are at your own risk. There is No Life Guard On Duty!
We will provide the the following amenities in addition to the exclusive use of the clubhouse facility:
Tables and chairs for approx. 80 people
Cleaning supplies for use
Toilet paper, paper towels and trash bags for use
the use of the MCA Pool area
Please note the reservation is for the clubhouse, not for the pool area. While you and your guests are entitled to the use of the pool area; it is to be shared with other MCA community members. Please Kokua.
Unfortunately, we can no longer allow Bounce Houses, tents, or any other fixture requiring lawn stakes to be used on the property. These have damaged our irrigation systems too many times when they were allowed on site. You do have a wide variety of other options in terms of vendors, as long as proof of insurance is provided.
Effective 1/1/2013; 100 people at a time may be present at your party. Additional tables and chairs are allowed on the front lawn or grass area around the main pool. Note that we only have tables and chairs for approximately 85 People on hand.
Effective 1/1/2013, each member is allowed 1 free reserved date for private Use of the Facility. Second private Use of the Facility thereafter will cost $100.00 plus tax. Contact the site manager for further details
No, we do not allow this.
Yes, a $150.00 deposit is required. A reservation isnt finalized until a completed reservation form and deposit is received and processed by the site manager. Please contact them for details.
First, please check the calendar for availability. If a date shows as available, its 90% accurate. Remember to follow the timeline restrictions listed here.
Once a date is selected, a completed reservation form is required, along with a deposit check. Rather than needing to meet with staff to finalize your reservation; you are free to print the form from this website or procure one from the document holder mounted on the outside corner of the clubhouse. Complete the form and deposit it in the deposit box on the clubhouse office corner with a deposit check; made out to MCA for $150. This check will be voided once we've ensured no rental agreement rules have been broken.
The Site Manager will confirm final availability and provide a receipt.
The clubhouse is available for rental Monday thru Saturday. There are no Sunday party rentals.
There are two time slots: AM (9-2) and PM (4-9) These time slots include the time needed to set up and take down for the event.
The clubhouse is also used for a variety of repeating functions and classes. These are scheduled differently, and require board approval. Please contact MCA staff for more details.
We ask for a minimum of one week notice for scheduling.
This is not a hard set rule, but more a practicality; as no employees are 'on call'. Once the schedule is written, we may or may not be able to facilitate a last minute request. If the schedule allows we will do so, but if no one will be present to facilitate the prep before an event or after; then we will have to deny the request.
PLEASE give us as much notice as possible for Party requests.
The maximum allowed time before a standard reservation is up to 90 days before the date of the requested reservation. These parties can be canceled up to two weeks prior to the event without consequence.
Parties can also be reserved 6 months prior to the event; but only if the renter waves their right to cancel their event without consequence. This option would not affect the deposit in any way; that sum only serves to protect the association against damages to the property or to penalize against a failure to comply with rules and regulations. It would mean that if this reservation is canceled or a party doesn't occur on the date requested, it would still need to be paid for; either by using that renter's one free party rental for the year, OR if it is a paid party, no refund of payment would be given.
Standard 6 foot tables.
The VISION team supports our Mariner’s Cove neighbors by sharing our home security camera video information when they have been victimized. It has matured in its relationship with the well-known Neighborhood Security Watch program. We have seen VISION grow in numbers, presently sixty-eight households, and have partnered with the HPD to be their “eyes and ears”.
We currently have 68 houses with Mariners Cove in active participation.
There is no cost to join and be a member of VISION.
That depends on your ability to review video footage. On average two Mariner’s Cove incidents take place monthly.
You may have to invest thirty minutes a month reviewing footage (fifteen minutes per each the two incidents).
Remember, what you are doing is supporting a victimized neighbor with your time.
The VISION Coordinator sends the distribution list emails via blind copy (Bcc...)
If your video footage is potential evidence in court, you may be asked to testify. You have the right to decline.
That is great that you have good cameras, but you do not have cameras down the block, around the corner, or in another part of the Cove. The collaboration of the Mariner’s Cove VISION team increases the chances of us picking up video of the culprits not close to your property. Additionally, HPD has been requesting VISION support as patrol officers have limited time to request video support of the immediate neighbors of the victim. We are supporting both our victimized neighbors and HPD as they investigate the offence. We are HPD’s “eyes and ears”.
If you have any questions, concerns, recommendations, or desire to join and/or see a recent SITREP and/or the Concept of Operations (CONOPS), please contact Ron @ [email protected] .